Alistair Stevenson
August 01, 2015

The Nassau Guardian published an article about the Exnihilo residency awarded to Alistair Stevenson in partnership…

Ex Post Facto Metallicus
June 20, 2015

Exnihilo International Artist Residency is pleased to present Ex Post Facto Metallicus, a unique…

The Exnihilo team with Consul General, Paulette Zonicle
March 29, 2015

The Out Of Nothing Event was a hit with patrons while raising awareness for the Exnihilo Art Center project. On…

Preview Exhibit at Glen Echo Park
February 26, 2015

Something new and exciting is happening in The Bahamas. The sun, sand and sea are stunning as ever, but in recent…

District Architecture
February 15, 2015

Checked out this amazing venue for our Out Of Nothing Party and Art Auction. Such a cool building will show off the…

Exnihilo Art Award 2015
May 27, 2014

$1000 to be awarded to a student pursuing a post-secondary degree in art.

Intended for…

Transformer Gallery Panel
May 14, 2014

I attended a lively panel discussion this Wednesday about the development of contemporary art in the Caribbean. The…