Here are the newly design residences with studio space in between. This will allow more views and comfortable…
January 08, 2013
Exnihilo is now a member of Alliance for Artist Communities.…
December 31, 2012
Brushed off the design plans to begin the next phase. A never ending process of things to do. Permits and ground…
November 20, 2012
I little research on plants at Exnihilo. While on the island this coming March we hope to begin a selective…
February 01, 2012
Attended a WPA (Washington Project for the Arts) meeting at…
August 25, 2011
Although the old timers on the island claim to have never seen a hurricane in their lifetime, this season…
August 16, 2011
My little silversmithing studio continues to surprise me. Adding this little stepping stone in the journey toward…