Isolation + Concentration = Creation
More exploration into the world of artist residencies led us to The Banff Center. Art centers and residency programs come in a huge variety of sizes from single cabins to acres and acres, and The Banff Center leans into that second category. After being at Hui No’eau which was a good size, The Banff Center seemed almost overwhelming. But there was still something to learn there.
Location can help inspiration. And the views from The Banff Center were breathtaking. Wedged in the Rocky Mountains, it was hard not to have a reflective moment looking out onto nature. Even the artist studios seemed to have a bit of a view. Because Exnihilo is so vastly different in location you might think that we would have nothing in common, but on the contrary, there seems to be common factors because of the location. Isolation is one. Even though Banff is a city center, you do get a sense of isolation and removal from the world, and therefore a different perspective.
Everyone who has gotten away from their normal day-to-day activities whether as a vacation, or just a break knows that feeling of shifting gears. This downshifting is an important component to allowing reflection, and then focus. Sometimes we do not realize, until we have to down-shift how hard it actually is to slow down. An isolated location forces you into this less than comfortable mode, which is healthy for the creative spirit, and sometimes is where the real magic happens for an artist.