Tue, 03/29/2016 - 07:00 By Blair Anderson

We had a fantastic day here in Nassau giving our first international workshop for Exnihilo. The class filled up and many wonderful things were created by the workshoppers. Students were donning their first pair of earrings after the first hour and proudly wearing multiple projects when the day concluded. 

The workshop was held at the former home of E. Clement and Keva Bethel, pace setters in the nation’s arts community. The historical significance of this venue could only enrich the experience for everyone with one student commenting, “There are good spirits in this house”. I was both humbled and honored to teach this class in such a historic venue...more on that in a future post.

The workshop was a modified version of the beginner’s Silver Saturday that I teach in the studio in Maryland. One modification was using pre pressed texture panels instead of rolling mill textures (difficult to ship such a large and permanently installed tool). We also tumbled the work instead of using a polishing machine. 

Another difference was the bonus of having lunch provided by Erin and Tina of Seasonal Sunshine. The lion fish tacos with cilantro and mango sauce were to die for! And they also brought along their signature rum infusions for all to try. 

Hey its not the Bahamas without rum!

But what is truly significant is that this little workshop is the first of many we plan to offer here under our Exnihilo Art Center umbrella. Although the larger vision of the art center is the building of a residency center on Long Island Bahamas, the foundation is being laid with programs here in Nassau first. Among these programs is a scholarship fund for college bound art students from the smaller islands, as well as residency programs in satelite locations like the College of The Bahamas.

Big things come from small beginnings.


  • Subrenna Higgs
  • Moriah Lightbourn
  • Caliope Sandiford
  • Phelice Jones
  • Luciana Hall
  • Sharon Cleare
  • Susan Farrington
  • Tyrone Ferguson
  • Katrina Cartwright

Thanks to everyone for allowing us to take your pictures and interview you! Check out the video to hear some workshop feedback.

Blair teaching soldering
Participant Phelice Jones
Tyrone Ferguson sits back after completing a pierced pendant.
Blair with a student
The art of the saw
An historic living room turned classroom
Rum infusions from Seasonal Sunshine