SilverWorks is the studio of artist-in-residence, Blair Anderson. Located in historic Glen Echo. MD just outside Washington, DC, SilverWorks teaches classes and workshops in silversmithing and other metals disciplines. SilverWorks has hosted several Exnihilo artists in residence.

Articles that mention SilverWorks Studio and Gallery
Ex Post Facto Metallicus

Ex Post Facto Metallicus

Sat, 06/20/2015 - 19:38 By Blair Anderson

Exnihilo International Artist Residency is pleased to present Ex Post Facto Metallicus, a unique collection of works from four metal artists at four different life stages – Robert Dane Shaw, Anya Pinchuk, Heather Schramm, and Kai

Blair and Wendy Ross


Wed, 04/17/2013 - 07:00 By Blair Anderson

Bryan and I attended the unveiling of Wendy Ross' newest work "Flora" in Baltimore's Hopkins Plaza. I was fortunate to get to know Wendy when she took one of my classes at SilverWorks.

Glass bottles

new undertaking

Sun, 03/07/2010 - 17:02 By Blair Anderson

Best laid plans can sometime seem like they have gone awry when direction shifts due to outside circumstances (like the economy). But sometimes this is actually an opportunity in disguise.